Affordable Childcare

Affordable Child Care Now is a broad coalition convened by United Way for Greater Austin that comprises Travis County civic organizations, businesses, and community members who support equitable access to affordable, quality childcare for all.

Why Invest in Affordable Childcare?

Community Benefit

Investing in childcare benefits everyone in our community. It leads to lower incarceration rates, reduces healthcare costs, and cultivates a better-educated workforce. Parents who want to return to work can do so earlier, benefiting families and boosting the economy

Addressing Affordability

Childcare costs in Travis County exceed $13,000 annually, surpassing state college tuition. By creating a local public fund to expand access to childcare services, we can alleviate this financial burden on working families, ensuring that all children have access to quality care regardless of their socioeconomic status.

Increasing Availability & Access

More than 4,300 children are on a 2-year waiting list for state childcare subsidies.  Data shows that Austin/Travis County suffers from acute childcare supply shortages for both traditional care and for nontraditional hours (outside the 7:00 am to 5 pm weekday window).  Investing in childcare will increase the number of children with a safe, healthy, consistent and enriching childcare setting.

Supporting Working Families

Access to affordable childcare is essential for working families and families that want to participate in education or workforce training. By expanding childcare services, we enable parents to maintain employment and pursue career opportunities, ultimately fostering economic stability and growth within our community.

Early Childhood Development

High-quality early childhood programs significantly impact a child's future success. Children who attend such programs are five times more likely to read proficiently by third grade, graduate, and attend college. Investing in childcare is an investment in our children's future.

Enabling the Workforce of the Future

Quality afterschool and summer programs increase youth’s academic skills and skill development for future careers, improve school day attendance, support positive mental and physical health, and support working families by providing a safe environment for youth when school is out.

Supporting Education & Employment

Access to childcare services not only supports parents in the workforce but also contributes to better education outcomes for children. It allows parents to maintain a work-life balance, leads to happier families, and ultimately results in a stronger, more vibrant community.

Workforce Investment

An investment in child care access and quality will  offer a living wage for  the child care and out-of-school time workforce, predominantly women of color, that will reduce high turnover (over 30% annually).  Reducing turnover will relieve stress for families.


In both early childhood and afterschool / summer programs, children have access to healthy meals and snacks which helps address food insecurity and improves nutrition and health.

Return on Investment

There is a high return on investment for investing in affordable, quality child care. For every dollar invested, there is a $4 - $16 dollar benefit.